By Toy Story Fanatic Devo
Dear Santa,
I understand that is a busy time of year for you and you have a lot on your plate with your travel itinerary and various operations that go into your annual Christmas flight, but I wanted to take the time, on behalf of us at Tips, to share what particular items we want for Christmas this year. We’re all very excited for these great items and we want to make sure you are aware of them.

Action figures from Star Wars, Marvel, and Pixar all made it into what looks to be an ongoing series. Images used for promotional use.
There are a ton of really cool toys that tied into the great movies this year, but something caught my eye specifically and that’s the Toy Box action figure line, new and exclusive to Do you remember Disney Infinity? The beautiful game that got canceled late last year? Turns out that the legacy of the game is continued with this action figure line based off of the games figures. They are fully posable and give an opportunity to continue the adventures started by the game. Besides, you know nothing quite beats a simple toy on Christmas.
Next on my list is the Kingdom Hearts 1.5/2.5 re-release. This game is a favorite amongst Disney fans and gamers alike and with Kingdom Hearts 3 to be released this upcoming year, it would be nice to go back and replay these games on the new, updated hardware.
Of course, reading is super important and we can’t forget that! there are a bunch of books that make it onto the list as well. Recently there was a Young Adult Novel series called “A Twisted Tale” that takes, as the title implies, a twist on the classic Disney movies we know. For younger readers, there’s a book series called “Kingdom Keepers” about a bunch of kids who find the leftover Disney magic from after the parks close.

Reading material is always a good choice for Christmas presents. Covers presented for promotion use.
An interesting development this year was Disney’s work with the manga studio Tokyo Pop in adapting Disney properties into Japanese style comics. Of note are the new Beauty and the Beast novels, Lilo And Stitch, and The Nightmare Before Christmas.
Of Course, Disney has also been around for a long time and a lot of us feel pretty nostalgic when it comes to the finer points of the kingdom. Finding vintage or childhood favorite toys and items online or in second-hand stores are sure to bring a smile to our faces.
Now all of us at Tips have something in common and that is that we love to travel to Disney parks. It’s easy to make any of us happy with a pair of tickets to Disney World or whatever park. An easy way to get those would be through the awesome people at All For Dreams who work really hard to get the best deal for everyone whether you’re looking to get a single day pass or Annual Passes (we’d love you forever if you gave us those). There are a lot of special experiences we want to have like seeing the Holiday World of Color and even just admiring the amazing Christmas decorations across the parks. It really is a special time to visit and I think I speak for everyone when I say we can’t get tired of Christmas at Disney.
Anyway, that’s a quick list of some of our favorite things we want for Christmas this year. Thanks for taking the time to read our letter! I promise we’ve all been very good and we’ve worked hard this year. Thank you Santa for everything you do for us each year. We’ll be sure to leave out some cookies and milk for you, have a wonderful Christmas and remember to keep wishing on stars.
I have not tried that one out yet. I’ll have to give it a shot! Thanks for the recommendation!
Here’s hoping you and yours had a great Christmas this year!