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By Dreamin’ Diva
Sometimes you just need a quick Disney fix to keep you going until you can make a whole trip out of it.  People often ask me what the best way is to approach a day in a park. I happily share my tips for making the most of the day. Here are my tips for planning a single day at Disneyland in Anaheim, CA.
1.     If you can, plan for a less busy time of year.  If you can’t, take the longer wait times into your plan and arrive knowing that you aren’t going to be able to do everything you may want to do. Also consider the kind of weather you are going to encounter.  The heat can really slow you down and you may need to plan for some cool down time during the day to rest and reapply that sunscreen.  Cool down time can be planned for attractions that are inside. 
2.     When planning, be sure to read lots of articles on! Use our experiences and knowledge to your benefit! Check out some ride reviews and tips on how to make your day amazing!
3.     Which park is more important to you? Maybe you were able to do one the last trip and would like to do something different this time. Or maybe you would rather stick to your favorite.  Or both! A park hopper for one day is considerably more and you will not be able to do as many attractions when walking back and forth the between the parks.
4.     Print a park map and attraction listing before you go.  On the drive down, we cross off the things we don’t want to do or that we don’t care about missing.  Then we decide all of the rides and attractions that are a MUST-do.  Then you will most likely have a few on the “if we have time, that would be nice” list.  Don’t forget to take a look at the different dining options. At least one reservation during the day might not be a bad thing to have the chance to know you won’t have to wait long and be guarantee a seat has been saved for you.  Lunch time is the perfect time to pull out the map and cross off all of the things you have been able to do that morning.  This is also a great time to talk about the rest of your day and re-evaluate your plan of attack. 
5.     Make the most of your time, but don’t be a drill sergeant. We like to be there when the gates open and head straight to the newest ride since the last time we have been there. We get fast passes and then get in line.  This way, we can go again later in the afternoon.  After this, we then head to the less popular, smaller attractions that move more quickly, such as Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters and Pirates of the Caribbean. The lines for these tend to be shorter earlier in the day.

Saving the Universe on Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters

6.     Skip the parades and shows on this trip. While the crowds are ling the streets, head to the rides! Shorter wait times are typical during these times.

7.     Now ask yourself a very important questions… “are characters important this trip?”.  I definitely cannot answer that for you.  The lines to meet the characters can be super long just for a hug and a picture.  Is it worth it? Only you can decide!

8.     Use the fast pass wisely for the other more popular rides instead of waiting in the long lines. You don’t have to go at the exact time listed on your fast pass ticket.  You can actually go any time AFTER the time listed.  This allows you to have time if you are still on another line at that time.  Get another Fast Pass as soon as you are allowed. One ride we always get a Fast Pass is Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. That line is usually pretty long and is always on our must-do list.

“The Wildest Ride in the Wilderness”

9.     Try as much as possible to work your way through one land at a time instead of wasting time trekking from one end of the park to another and back again. 
10.  Go with your gut! Do what you want to do. It is completely OK to change your mind once you get there!  And if the Matterhorn is closed AGAIN! Go ahead and pout for a minute and a half, then move on and enjoy the rest of your day! You will have plenty of opportunities to look up at it longingly and think, “maybe next time it will be open and I will get a chance to ride it”. If something you wanted to do is closed, don’t let it ruin your day.
Have lots of fun! Take lots of pictures and enjoy!