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Fantasmic Diva


I wrote an article not long ago about the different scents in Walt Disney World and now I would like to share with you some of the sounds of the resort. It sounds an interesting as it smells! Here’s just a few of my favorite sounds of the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, FL. There’s plenty of music to be heard but this goes even beyond the wonderful music in the parks!




10. The chord right before Mickey comes onstage for the first time in Fantasmic. I was going to try to avoid using music for this segment but this is just a quintessential Disney moment. You are watching Fantasmic and it comes right after the words “Dream a fantastic dream…” and BOOM! There’s Mickey and you really don’t know where he came from, it’s simple Disney magic!

9. The Voice and tap lessons on Center Street. Just in between Crystal Arts and Uptown Jewelers, there is a little off shoot street called Center Street. If you go and take a seat to relax for a moment during the day (not during a parade) you can hear voice lessons, piano lessons and tap lessons coming from the windows of the studios above. They are quite funny to listen to and give Main Street USA even more charm than they already did.

8. The screams coming from the Hollywood Tower of Terror. If you have ever been to Disney’s Hollywood Studios, you know that you can hear the screams coming from the Hollywood Tower Hotel as the elevators drop their guests into the Twilight Zone. This sound either makes you want to immediately get in line so you can experience the thrills or definitely shy away from the attraction and its unpredictable drop sequence!

7. The brakes on the Main Street Train. As you enter the park, the first building that you encounter is the Main Street Train Station. If the timing is right, then you will be able to hear the train pulling into the station, which it does approximately every 7-10 minutes. The sound takes you back to the days where train was the only way to get very far and by that sound alone, you know you have reached Main Street USA!

6. The chiming bells by Pinocchio Village Haus. If you listen carefully, every hour, there are chiming bells that ring out in the Fantasyland Courtyard to mark the hour. They sound lovely if it’s not too loud in the courtyard, definitely grab a seat in the outdoor section of the quick service restaurant and you are sure to hear them.

5. The sound of Mickey’s voice…anywhere. Whether it be in a show on the castle, in the new meet and greet with Mickey in Town Square Theatre, in Fantasmic, or in a parade, hearing Mickey Mouse’s voice melts my heart and the hearts of millions of people per year. You just feel an extra tug on your heart strings and feel like a kid again when Mickey talks!

4. The cawing crows outside of Haunted Mansion. When you walk from either Liberty Square or Kingdom Crossing, you can certainly feel a sense of chill in the air when you hear the crows cawing outside of the Haunted Mansion, almost as though you sense an aura of foreboding… (hopefully some readers recognize the phrase). And like the screams from the Tower of Terror, the sound either draws you in or pushes you away.

3. Mine! Mine! Mine! Outside of The Seas with Nemo and Friends. If you walk by the Seas with Nemo and Friends, you will certainly hear the mischievous sea gulls chiming into your conversation with their signature “Mine! Mine!” Most likely someone from your party will joint them in their choir of “Mine!”

2. The burst of the first fireworks of Wishes! Nothing says the day has come to the perfect, magical end like the burst of the first fireworks of the night time spectacular, Wishes! The fireworks are another prime example of pure Disney magic and they tend to bring loved ones even closer together!

1. Attractions safety messages. Whether it be the cast member over a PA system on an attraction, a recorded safety message (in English and Spanish of course) or my personal favorite the monorail message saying “Please stand clear of the doors” “por favor mantengase alejado de las puertas”. For a brief while, it was one of the only Spanish phrases I knew!

Hope you enjoyed this list of the sounds that I have heard in Disney World. Keep your ears open next time you take a trip to the world of Fantasy!