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Top Four Magical Proposal Ideas At Disneyland

Top Four Magical Proposal Ideas At Disneyland

by Practically Perfect Diva When most people think of Disney, words like “magic,” “fairytale,” and “happily ever after” come to mind. If you are planning on proposing to your princess (or prince) soon and would like to make it...
The 4 Scariest Rides at WDW, According to a 4-Year Old

The 4 Scariest Rides at WDW, According to a 4-Year Old

by Fancy Free Diva My 4-year old daughter and I were talking after school the other day, and I told her that one of her friends was going to go to Walt Disney World.  Fancy Free Daughter, though only 4, has already been to Walt Disney World 4 times as a result of our...
Celebrating 60 Years of Disneyland with 60 Fun Facts!

Celebrating 60 Years of Disneyland with 60 Fun Facts!

by Pin Trading Diva 2015 is a big year for Disneyland! They will be celebrating their 60th Anniversary “Diamond” style and their party is going to be dazzling! To commemorate this occasion, I’ve put together a list of 60 fun facts about Disneyland...
The Mountains of Disneyland

The Mountains of Disneyland

by Character Diva The mountains of Disneyland- While they don’t make up a range, and aren’t even in the same land, they do represent some of the most iconic rides at the theme park. Space Mountain, Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain (aka Big Thunder Mountain Railroad),...