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Quiet places to rest and nap in WDW

This morning I got a great question from Martha that read:“Hello. I am a fellow Disney lover and have been blessed to have gone to wdw many times throughout my 25 years of life. I just discovered your blog, love it, and have learned many things now that im a new mom....

How your kids can SAVE you money at Disney World

“IMPOSSIBLE!” I hear you say! “My kids can not help me SAVE any money at WDW. They’re the reason I’m going in the first place. I’m already losing money”, you’re exclaiming! Yes, ok well I will give you that one, but there is actually a way that your children can help...

In Case of a WDW Melt-Down: Break G.L.A.S.S.

Melt-down – (official definition) “Severe overheating of a nuclear reactor core, resulting in melting of the core and escape of radiation.”   WDW Melt-Down (Diva definition) “The actions that result from being tired, hot, hungry, having aching feet, being...