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BYO- food to Walt Disney World?!

The Neal Vacation emailed in an interesting question… “ Hello Disney Diva! Here’s my situation.. I am staying for 7 weeks in a house off property. I’ll have extended family with me and would like to save money by cooking meals at home. I’d only like...

Tips for Staying OFF Property at Disney World – Parking @ Disney

Today I’m continuing my series on Tips for people staying OFF PROPERTY at Disney World. If you want to read more on this subject click HERE. Plan for Parking! Ok so if you’re off property and PARKING then that means you are in a car, either rented or your own (thank...

Tips for staying OFF Property at Disney World – Planning your travel time to the parks

Staying off property can save you a lot of money, but let’s face it, it is A LOT MORE WORK. The name of the game at Disney World is convenience, people pay more for convenience whether it be staying on the monorail loop or not bringing snacks into the park. What you...

Disney World Bucket List

On this week they did a podcast about 25 things that you should do at Walt Disney World before you Die. So I thought I’d add my top 25 things that you should do at WDW before you Die (according to the Disney Diva & Diva Dad) *in no particular order...