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What In The World Is A Bounce Back?

What In The World Is A Bounce Back?

by Soarin’ Diva If you have jumped online to do any kind of planning for your upcoming Disney vacation, I’m sure you have heard tons of terms you are unfamiliar with. You sit, scratching your head, and think to yourself, what are these people even talking...
A Summer Hit! – All American College Band at Disneyland

A Summer Hit! – All American College Band at Disneyland

by Pin Trading Diva Seasons come and go at Disneyland, and with it some of my favorite themed entertainment, one of which being my #1 reason of visiting the parks in the Summertime – the All American College Band! Disney searches all over America each year to...
May I Have Your Autograph, Please?

May I Have Your Autograph, Please?

by Soarin’ Diva Don’t you just LOVE to get your picture made with the characters at Disney parks, and even better, get those autographs from them?  I don’t care who you are or how old you are, you still feel that thrill of excitement when you get to...
10 Free Souvenirs at Disneyland and DCA

10 Free Souvenirs at Disneyland and DCA

by Pin Trading Diva After your Disney vacation has come to a close, it is only fair that you bring a little Disney home with you. Many fill their suitcases with mugs and ornaments, but all that  magic comes with a price! Here’s a list of some FREE souvenirs that...