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Soarin’ Diva’s Ten Biggest Pet Peeves When on a Disney Vacation

Soarin’ Diva’s Ten Biggest Pet Peeves When on a Disney Vacation

by Soarin’ Diva I’m pretty sure it’s no secret that I love Walt Disney World. I mean, I REALLY love Walt Disney World. What’s not to love? You have those wonderful characters from all your favorite Disney movies to interact with. You have more...


By Devo CabDisney “I hope we never lose sight of one thing- that it was all started by a mouse.” These words by Walt Disney have to be one of the most famous of all his quotes. Mickey has to be one of the, if not the most recognized characters in the world. And since...
Top Four Magical Proposal Ideas At Disneyland

Top Four Magical Proposal Ideas At Disneyland

by Practically Perfect Diva When most people think of Disney, words like “magic,” “fairytale,” and “happily ever after” come to mind. If you are planning on proposing to your princess (or prince) soon and would like to make it...
You Mean My Kids Disney Vacations Can Be Excused Educational Trips?

You Mean My Kids Disney Vacations Can Be Excused Educational Trips?

by Soarin’ Diva Several parent friends of mine have been shocked over the last several years, as we have pulled out boys out of school for a week to go to Walt Disney World. They can’t fathom that we would not only approve of them missing a week of school,...