by Pink Diva | Apr 22, 2021 | Disney Fun, Disney Movie Nights
By Pink Diva Growing up Sunday nights meant three things. One, my mom was doing all the ironing for the week. Two, we were headed back to school on Monday. Three, Disney presented a movie or a special at 7:00pm. We made sure we were clean, in our pajama’s...
by Wishes Diva | Mar 8, 2021 | Book & Movie Reviews, Disney Fun
By Wishes Diva We are lucky enough to be living in the age where movies and shows are sent directly to our home television sets via the internet. Long, long gone are the days of visiting the movie rental place on a Friday night to pick your viewing titles for the...
by Wishes Diva | Feb 1, 2021 | Book & Movie Reviews, Hollywood Studios, Vacation Planning Guides, Walt Disney
By Wishes Diva We are currently gearing up to take our kids to Walt Disney World again. For my older kiddo, it’s his second trip, but for my little girl, it’s her first! For my son’s first trip there are some characters and movies he was familiar with, but definitely...
by Wishes Diva | Nov 9, 2020 | Book & Movie Reviews, Magic Kingdom WDW, Movies, Walt Disney
By Wishes Diva We are currently gearing up to take our kids to Walt Disney World again. For my older kiddo, it’s his second trip, but for my little girl, it’s her first! For my son’s first trip there are some characters and movies he was familiar with, but definitely...
by Wishes Diva | May 12, 2020 | Book & Movie Reviews
By Wishes Diva One of the great things to come out of Disney+ has been the ability to take a trip down memory lane with many of the viewing options. As a child of the 90’s one of the things I have enjoyed is having the ability to go back and re-watch all of the old...