by Fancy Free Diva | May 20, 2017 | Disney Date Night, Disney Toys, Souvenirs
by Fancy Free Diva Up here in New England, it gets pretty cold this time of year. And when we can’t jet away to sunny Disney World or Disneyland, we have to do what we can to bring a little bit of Disney to us. One of the ways we accomplish that in our house is Disney...
by Character Diva | Apr 8, 2017 | Disney Birthday Party Ideas, Disney DIY Projects, Family Movie Nights
by Character Diva My son absolutely adores Toy Story. He is obsessed with pointing and shouting the word “Buzz!” whenever he seems a picture of him. So it only made sense that for his second birthday, I decided to go with a Toy Story theme. Now the great news is,...
by Tangled Diva | Mar 16, 2014 | First Trip Tips, Special Needs Travel, Walt Disney, Walt Disney World
By Tangled Diva A little over a year ago, my son was diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with a particular problem area being controlling his impulsivity. Anybody familiar with ADHD knows that while it is not a severe disability, it does...