by Character Diva | Jan 20, 2021 | Disney Fun, Disney Movie Nights
by Character Diva Once I started thinking about doing a monthly Disney Movie Night, I began thinking of all the fun possibilities. After the Finding Nemo Movie Night was such a success at our house, I decided to try for Dumbo. Again, I figured the snacks...
by Character Diva | Apr 15, 2020 | Disney Fun, Disney Movie Nights, Movies, Parties, Recipes
by Character Diva A few months ago, I embraced the idea of doing a monthly “Disney Family Night” at our house. In addition to a Disney themed dinner and movie, I also decided to do a family activity, because who doesn’t love spending time with their kids and making...
by Character Diva | Mar 16, 2020 | Disney Movie Nights, Parties, Recipes
by Character Diva When my family watched Moana in theaters, I knew it was going to become one of my kids’ favorites. There was something for everyone. Whether it was the music (which we play the soundtrack on Youtube repeatedly), the characters (my two year old loves...
by Toy Story Fanatic Devo | Nov 10, 2017 | Book & Movie Reviews, Movies
By The Toy Story Fanatic Devo So I’m walking through a major book/ magazine store and I just finished going through the Graphic Novels and made my way over to the film magazines and I saw one that said something like “history’s 101 most important film scenes”. I pick...
by Character Diva | May 12, 2016 | Book & Movie Reviews, Disney Fun, Family Movie Nights
by Character Diva For many people, there are certain special occasions you will always remember. It might be the birth of your child, the death of a loved one, the day you graduated, your first date with your future spouse. And while the movie debut of Finding Nemo...