by Practically Perfect Diva | Jun 21, 2016 | Disney Fun, Disney Movie Nights, Parties
by Practically Perfect Diva Although Frozen came out in 2013, children just can’t seem to “let it go.” Whether it’s the catchy music, the lovable characters, the beautiful message, or all of the above, children are still asking their parents to...
by Diva Viva | Sep 5, 2014 | First Timer Tips, Wedding/ Honeymoon
By Diva Viva Disney is famously known for their attention to detail and customer service, so that means that when you are celebrating something special in your life, no one is going to help you feel special like Disney! People love to flaunt it when they are...
by Disneylove Diva | Jul 26, 2014 | First Timer Tips, Trips with babies, Trips with Teens, Trips with toddlers, Vacation Planning Guides, Walt Disney World
By: Disneylove Diva Getting to celebrate a birthday at Walt Disney World is a celebration all in itself. It’s an amazing opportunity and you will be able to make memories that will last a lifetime. I have had the amazing opportunity of celebrating my birthday at...
by Disney Diva | Jan 10, 2013 | First Timer Tips, Special Events Tips & Reviews, Trips on a Budget, Walt Disney
By Budget DivaCelebrating your birthday at Disney World is truly a magical experience! What better place to celebrate a special occasion? The Budget Diva’s daughter was lucky enough to celebrate her 5th birthday at Disney World last spring 2012. Be sure to go...