When traveling to Disney World, there may be hours, or even days where you will encounter rain or showers. However, just because it rains, the Disney parks won’t stop and shut down. Fun is always a hop, step, and jump away. You can have a good time with your child(ren) if you know how to plan ahead and be prepared.While planning your trip to Disney World, be sure to read Tips from the Disney Diva articles on packing for your trip, and make sure you have a backpack for carrying to the parks must haves,
especially for those rainy days. Get one that is comfortable and light weight to carry.
I compiled a list of what I usually carry in my pack through the parks:
- Rain poncho’s
- sunscreen
- sunglasses
- wind breaker, depending on weather forecast temps
- bottle coozie cover
- couple of trail mix bars for a snack
My son watching the heavy rain from a shop at the Grand Floridian.
If you have a tight budget while getting ready for your trip, purchase the items before you go, but I will say for a nice souvenir, purchase your poncho’s at the one of the parks.
The Disney poncho’s have Mickey on the back and says ” Disney Parks “. If you take care of them they will last for quite a few years on your travels to Disney. We have had ours now for 5 years and still using them when we go, they are built heavier than the cheap ones you purchase at your local department store.
My daughter shown with her Disney Parks Mickey poncho
The wonderful thing about Disney World is most of the magic is sheltered. Most of the rides, shows, sweet shops, character meet and greets, and Disney merchandise stores will have a roof over your head. Every park has that one or more attractions that you can spend longer time at during heavier rain.
So don’t bum out and stay in when it starts to drizzle. Throw on your poncho and let’s go!!
Thanks for the pep-talk–I have been worried about the weather which looks to be pretty wet while we’re there (in 8 days!)