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By Florida Diva

This article may cause some to be generally confused or be in a state of complete disbelief about what they’re reading, but I think it is, in fact, a harsh reality that must be dealt with.
Brace yourselves: There are couples out there that don’t share the same interests.
Yes, I know, shocking. 
For Disney fans, one of the most heartbreaking situations can be having a significant other that just doesn’t get your fascination. And, if your current situation was like mine then you may have a couple of obstacles to overcome if your spouse hates crowds too. So how on earth do you plan a dream Disney getaway for your family without the fear of a cranky, non-fanatical spouse harshing the magical buzz you’re trying to immerse yourself and young ones in?
Easy. Same destination, different activities.
Taking my boys to Disney World had been a long time dream of mine and I worked hard and saved for ages to be able to make it happen. I was also fully aware that this trip was not my husband’s idea of a dream getaway and I was terrified his negative presence and obvious lack of enjoyment would ruin things for the rest of us. So, I looked into other options that could keep him happily occupied while we experienced the magic.
First, I made a list of his interests.; camping, nature, cookouts, cars, wildlife etc. Then, I Googled those things in the Orlando area, and it turns out there are tons of things that could easily entertain someone that just doesn’t share the love of Disney. For convenience, I looked into booking us lodging at Disney’s Fort Wilderness Resort Cabins, and found out that you can even book a tent or RV spot as well for a very reasonable price. * Tents and RV’s are not provided. I discovered that Disney even offers something called “Richard Petty’s Driving Experience”. This gives you the chance to either go for a ride-along in a genuine stock car around the oval track or you can opt to go to a class and learn to do it yourself culminating in a thrilling number of laps around the track solo!
Picture courtesy of Kristin Thompson Scroggin
There are tours that run at Animal Kingdom Lodge, the ESPN Zone for meals and sports and even options off property that can make for a fun day away. I found a program at Gatorland where my husband could work with gators all day and even wrestle one if he wanted.
 There are zipline eco-tours, airboat rides through the swamps and even sky diving all nearby.
So if you have a spouse that just doesn’t share your enthusiasm for the mouse and his cohorts, don’t let that disuade you from visiting the place you love and sharing it with your kids. 
There are plenty of options to ensure everyone has a great time and it always makes for great dinner conversation as you all reunite to share your experiences of the day.
Of course, if the time or budget allows, you can always compromise and have everyone participate in all activities together, hoping that the break from the crowds every day will keep the negativity at bay, creating shared family memories that will be cherished for years to come.
Not sure where to start or worried about budgets? Ask away, I welcome all kinds of questions on anything Florida related and our official travel agent, Patricia can help make your Disney trip a dream come true.