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by Soarin’ Diva

Remember the good old days, when you could trust that your news came from an impartial, trustworthy source? It seems like more and more, newscasters have lost their way lately, and instead of impartially reporting the news, have made it their mission to report only one side of the story to us, the side that they sympathize with the most. Impartiality has become a thing of the past in the news.

Would it surprise you to hear that I’ve met a very reputable news source?  It’s none other than Scoop Sanderson, one of Walt Disney World’s Main Street Citizens.  Scoop is the very lovable Main Street Gazette News Reporter at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom.  You already learned about a politician we can all love in Disney Magic Diva’s article, which you can find here.  Now it’s time to learn about Scoop Sanderson, the newsman we can all trust and love.


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I first met Scoop in 2014 when my family and I were dusted with a massive dose of Pixie dust, and were picked to open Magic Kingdom.  Scoop was the announcer for that day’s welcome show.  He greeted us warmly and very enthusiastically when we were hustled upstairs to get ready for the show.  Since he is the Main Street Reporter, he was full of all the information we would need to participate in that morning’s welcome show.  He was so kind and fun-loving, it was very easy to talk to him.  Scoop made it very easy to know when exactly to walk out on the platform at Magic Kingdom’s train station right on time.  Believe it or not, while being the most exciting thing that has every happened to us at Walt Disney World Resorts, it’s also a little stressful.  You have to walk out on the platform at exactly the right time, and you have hundreds of people out there watching you, you don’t want to screw this moment up!  Well, dear, sweet Scoop made it very easy to walk out right on cue!


I next met Scoop on my last visit.  My family and I were standing outside Casey’s Corner, waiting for them to open (Mmmm, I can taste those corn dog nuggets now… I’m getting hungry.)  My son and I had our birthday celebrations buttons on, and as Scoop and his companion, Mabel Mae Sanderson, approached, they saw us and led the crown in singing the Happy Birthday song to us.  It was so cute, that I didn’t think to grab my camera until they finished.  Luckily, they then decided to lead us and the crowd in another song.  As we were all there, waiting for Casey’s Corner to open, they decided to lead us in singing Take Me Out To The Ballgame.  I did manage to grab my camera and record that (yay, me).  You can check out this cute video of Scoop and Mabel Mae Benaught singing Take Me Out To the Ballgame here:


Scoop Sanderson was previously known on Main Street as the guy who has the main scoop on pin trading.  Are you a pin trader?  I hope you had a chance to check out his pins to trade.  I have read many reports from people who, when they traded pins with Scoop, the one’s they received from him were MUCH nicer than the pins they gave him.  I would say that alone qualifies him as an honest news reporter, right?  Unfortunately, from what I understand, he is no longer trading pins, but perhaps he can point you to another pin trader, as he is in the know of all the local news.

I hope you have enjoyed reading about my experiences with the most honest newsman I have met to date, Scoop Sanderson.  Have you met him yet?  We would love to know your thoughts on him!  My boys loved talking to him, as did my husband and I.  After meeting him, I would love to meet the rest of the Main Street citizens and discover their various amazing personalities.  I hope that you have a chance to meet Scoop and the other citizens on your next visit, any maybe you will be lucky enough to have him sing to you as well.

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***Disclaimer – We at Tips from the Disney Divas and Devos hope you enjoy reading our articles, and encourage you to share any you feel may be of interest to someone else. We do ask, however, if you choose to share the photographs attached to our articles, you give credit to the photographer. Thank you for your cooperation and sharing our love of Disney!