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D’land Diva baby shares from everyone’s plate

By D’land Diva

When most people think about theme parks, healthy eating is the last thing on their minds. In fact, I would bet that most of us equate theme parks with tasty foods like churros and Dole Whips.

For some of us, however, there is a need to eat healthy on our vacation. For some of us, it is a matter of health. For others, it is the need to maintain a diet.

Can it be done?

You bet!

In fact, Disneyland has many healthy food options. It is just a matter of knowing where to look!

First, let me define healthy food. For me, healthy food is food that not processed or very little processed, is in proper proportion, and is low in fat. I realize that many folks have special dietary needs, such as monitoring sugar or gluten intake. Many of the healthy foods on this list may also fit into those categories. As always, specific dietary concerns can be addressed at City Hall on Main Street, U.S.A. in Disneyland.

So let’s check out the options!

 First, there are many fruit and snack carts throughout the park. My favorites are on Main Street, on the right hand side of the street about half way up the street. This cart has an excellent selection of fruit, healthy chips, veggies and dip and bottled drinks. Similar carts can be found in Adventureland (The Tropical Imports Cart), Critter Country and Fantasyland.

Look for the cases at restaurants to change up your options

Second, most of the restaurants at Disneyland have a healthy dining option. For many locations, this may be a salad. Be careful with salads, however! If they are loaded up with cheese, meat and a high fat dressing, they can quickly become unhealthy! You can ask for your salad to be prepared without cheese or meat and ask for a low-fat dressing on the side. I have found that Red Rockett’s Pizza Port is THE BEST place to get a specially made salad. But, there are also veggie burgers available at many of the places that serve burgers. Other meatless options may also be available. Many of the counter service restaurants allow you to choose your sides and things like french fries can easily be replaced with fruit or vegetables. All you need to do is ask!

Customize your salad

Third, the restaurants that have soda fountains will also give you a free cup of water. Water can go a long way in curbing your appetite, but is also very important when you are walking around the park all day.

Fourth, split a meal! Yes, some of the meals at Disneyland can easily feed two. The Plaza Inn is a great place to split a meal. D’land Diva hubby and I will often split a fried chicken dinner and get a salad on the side. This not only saves money, but it is a healthier option.

Too much for one person!

Fifth, order a kids meal. Yes, some of these meals can be really small- but not all of them are! It is sometimes healthier to eat the smaller servings and have a side of fruit.
