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When I Remember Disney

When I Remember Disney

  by Florida Diva Orlando and Los Angeles are filled with many amusement parks that cater to everything from building blocks and movies to sea creatures, but none of them can hold a candle to Disney. So what makes Disney so special and keeps people like me going...
Disney Parks Moms Panel 2016!

Disney Parks Moms Panel 2016!

by Neverland Diva   It’s official!  Round 1 of the 2016 Disney Parks Moms Panel competition will open on September 8th at 10am and close on September 15th at noon!  Each year thousands of Disney lovers enter in hopes of earning one of 20 or so spots,...
Celebrating 60 Years of Disneyland with 60 Fun Facts!

Celebrating 60 Years of Disneyland with 60 Fun Facts!

by Pin Trading Diva 2015 is a big year for Disneyland! They will be celebrating their 60th Anniversary “Diamond” style and their party is going to be dazzling! To commemorate this occasion, I’ve put together a list of 60 fun facts about Disneyland...