by Disney Diva | Oct 15, 2012 | Disney DIY Projects, Holidays at Home, Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party
By the Budget Diva It’s almost time to carve your pumpkin! Have you thought of what design you’re going to do? My children love all things Disney and so it only makes perfect sense that we have a Disney themed pumpkin for Halloween! I have seen the pumpkin...
by Disney Diva | Jan 1, 2012 | Disney DIY Projects, First Trip Tips, Meeting Characters, Packing Lists, Trips on a Budget, Vacation Planning Guides, Walt Disney World
Author: Budget Diva The Budget Diva has some money saving tips on how to make your own autograph books! Almost all children who visit Disney World want to meet the characters, take pictures and get the sought after autographs. Disney markets their ever popular...