Photo Credit: Laughingplace.com
Captain Jack Sparrow’s Pirate Tutorial is a twenty minute, all-ages show. It takes place outside of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride in Adventureland at the Magic Kingdom.
Captain Jack and his first, Mack, talk about what it takes to be a pirate, from climbing rope to sword fighting.
This is a standing-room only show. If you want your child to have a chance of being picked to help in the demonstration, you will need to get there early and be close to the front of the stage. (You also might want to be sure to do Pirates League before that to increase your chances). Mack will lay out a rope about six feet from the stage that everyone must stay behind, and you want your child right behind that rope. A small handful of children are chosen to come up on stage and are taught to ‘sword fight’ by Captain Jack and Mack!
After that, about twenty children are chosen to come up on stage to receive a rolled-up apprentice pirate certificate and follow Jack in saying the pirate oath. The show ends with a sing-along of Yo Ho!
If you or your child is a big pirate fan, I suggest checking the park schedule for the day’s shows and arriving early at the first or last show of the day, as these are usually less crowded. If you are not set on having your child on stage, you can normally get a decent view at anytime further back. Captain Jack and Mack wear wireless microphones, so everyone should be able to hear, no matter where you’re standing.
Little ones may get bored with the nautical speak at times, and they probably won’t get all the jokes. Captain Jack does ham it up for the adult audience too.
Another important reminder is that this is not a character meet & greet. Captain Jack arrives on stage after the show starts and runs away before the show is over. Occasionally you will find Captain Jack roaming the streets of Adventureland, but these are rare, so keep your eyes open mateys!