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 By The Fashionista Diva

You may think Disney is a strange place for a Bachelorette party. However, it can be the most fun you have ever had. Disney is the perfect place for making memories and taking pictures. Disney has many wedding themed shirts and ears to make the pictures even more magical. I decided to take most of the pictures with all my favorite characters first. This way, I still looked fresh faced and like a blushing bride. Mickey & Minnie were up first and they were amazing. Minnie looked at my ring and then walked right up to Mickey and showed him her EMPTY ring finger. He looked down and shuffled his feet before giving her a big kiss! They spent extra time and let us take numerous pictures.

What is a Disney Bachelorette party without all the princesses? They were all very interactive and genuinely excited for me. We captured priceless memories on camera of me informing Sleeping Beauty that I was wearing her wedding dress. She was so excited and asked me to return with pictures. Cinderella was most interested in my ring and Belle asked me all about my fiance! It was so nice being doted on by the Disney princesses.

We strolled down Main Street USA excited to explore the kingdom. A very sweet cast member noticed our group and decided we needed buttons. She made all 5 of us “Happily Every After” buttons with my name and wedding date. Throughout the park where ever I went people and cast members were congratulating me and making me feel so special. It was a one of a kind experience.

My friends knew my favorite character was Woody so they wasted no time in asking the nearest cast member what time he would be out. This was by far the most magical moment of the day! Jessie and Woody were excited when our group walked up. I showed him my ring and told him I was off the market. He then got down on one knee and pretended to propose. It was priceless! He tried to take my hand and run away with me but I told him sadly he was too late.

After taking all the pictures I could stand we set off for our favorite rides. It was an amazing experience to share with my closest friends. We all felt like kids again! I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my last weekend as a single lady then with my closest friends at the most magical place on earth!