Whether it’s visiting the parks frequently, sailing away on a Disney cruise, relaxing at Aulani, participating in a runDisney event, or even just showing off your #Disneyside by coming up with all kinds of great lesson plans, party ideas, or fun D.I.Y. projects, we’d love to hear about it.
“I’m excited, how do I apply???” you say…
Applying is easy – Just write up an article that’s at least 500 words that YOU think would be worth running on our site and submit it by email. It can be a review or a tips article, totally your choice. Make sure you’ve edited it. As in make it ready to run on the site. And be sure to show us your writing style! We want to hear YOUR VOICE.
Once your draft is ready, please save it as a Word document and include photos that you would include as attachments to your email. (Please make sure they are your images or you have permission to use them to avoid copyright issues). Then email all of this to tipsfromthedisneydiva@gmail.com
Pixie Dusted Diva, who owns this site, will review your article and reply to you via email about joining our team.. People who do not follow directions for the application process will be eliminated from consideration.
We look forward to hearing from you and best of luck!
~The Tips from the Disney Divas & Devos Writing Team