By The Toy Story Fanatic Devo
Recently I had a birthday. I like birthdays. Birthdays mean presents and presents mean stuff I want and stuff I want means I often get Toy Story merchandise.

The two ends of my (current) collection- The original (well played with) from 1995 on the left, and the signature collection (original release 2013) on the right.
This year, I was finally able to get the Toy Story Signature Collection Woody doll. This toy was built using Pixar’s own computer information on the character and comes with over 50 sayings both in response to your own voice and by pulling the pull string. It’s super cool and it’s cool seeing my original release Woody and this deluxe version together.
Since then, I’ve been looking into other versions of the character and I was surprised at some of the interesting things I found, and how expensive Toy Story collecting gets. so I present to you:
The Top 5 Most Expensive Woody Dolls!
As far as I can tell these are the most consistently expensive toys on the market in this category. Put on your seatbelts though. This list gets crazy and there are some super cool and creative ideas here.
P.S. a lot of these toys are exclusive to Japan and I imagine they are a lot easier to find if you can read Japanese.
The 4-foot tall promotional toy
This was released only in Canada to select stores in 1994, a year before the movie was released, mostly to be used as promotional material for the movie and its merchandise. The toy was built by Thinkway, who still holds thel license to Toy Story, and was essentially a scaled-up version of their 16-inch doll to come out that next year.
You can’t have this because it was a very limited release and a beat up version (without vest, boots or hat) was recently put on eBay for $155. “like new” condition ones can get up to about $500 though have been spotted to be as low as $200.
Young Epoch Woody

The Young Epoch doll (right) compared to the signature collection (left). note the difference in dimensions, coloring, and materials used. image shown for promotion use and was part of a discussion on uploaded by “Space Stranger”.
If Woody’s Roundup was a real show, it would have been released somewhere around 1953 and that is the idea behind this toy. If Woody was really made in the 1950’s, what would he look like? This is what we were given. Each choice in material, dimensions, and build was made with the idea that this was a toy from the ‘50s and it was going to look the part. It’s an interesting idea and definitely a very cool version of the character. This toy is also part of a set of 4 which includes Pete the Prospector, Bullseye, and Jessie, all given a similar treatment.
Young Epoch is no stranger to doing this kind of thing. The company specializes in recreating new ideas into old forms and they’ve covered a lot of Disney products in their time from old-style Winnie The Pooh teddy bears to Mickey and Minnie tin wind-up cars. They actually have a lot of really cool stuff, but being a Japanese based company and not well built for American marketing, you kind of have to dig a bit to find any of their merchandise. Best I could recommend is you search eBay or for stray items.
Starting price for the black and white variant that I’ve seen is around $280 and the color one I’ve seen start at around $500.
Young Epoch also produced an alternative to this toy that was a woodblock figure which would have been another period-accurate recreation.
D23 2015 Collectors edition Woody
This particular Woody Doll was exclusive to the D23 convention of 2015 and was limited to 400. The toy doesn’t look a whole lot like the character in the movie. Certain details like his vest and hat are a bit different, so it seems to me that the importance of this particular toy is the fact that it came from D23, but it’s still a cool piece of memorabilia for Toy Story’s 20th anniversary.
This toy is about $130 on the cheap end.
Medicom Woody Action Figure

I promise this isn’t a screenshot from the movie! This is a promotional image from Medicom for the toy obtained for promotional use from Rakuten Global Market for collectors.
In the world of toy collecting, Medicom is almost second-to-none when it comes to action figures. Their figures are hyper-realistic and they’ve covered properties from Harry Potter to Justice League to Indiana Jones and they take up new projects all the time.
They also did a few figures for Toy Story 3 and specifically, they made a Sheriff Woody Action Figure.
While the pullstring doesn’t work, this toy is definitely as close to the dimensions of the film as anyone has gotten. He stands 16 inches tall, has a few hand switchouts, a couple unique face switch outs, and several ball joints at the hands, arms, neck, legs, and eyes to provide an almost unlimited range of movement.
this is impressive and it better be as the cheap end for this toy is almost $400 plus about $30 international shipping to the U.S.! Part of the reason that this figure is so expensive is that it has since been discontinued by Medicom and the only places to find it online are from 3rd party retailers (cheapest Price I found was from Rakuten Global Market) and other collectors.
Woody By Steif

The most expensive on the list. The most expensive materials were used and produced a toy that really stretches the definition of “toy”. Promotional image used from Disney
This special edition toy was released recently and boasts such descriptions as a Head and Hands carved from a solid block of vinyl (they say it’s unique to the process, but I don’t know enough to confirm that), Pewter belt buckle and badge,a gold jewel on the holster, bronze spurs that spin, Handmade stitching, Leather belt and boots and it’s limited to 113 complete pieces (in reference to the A113 easter egg, popular in Pixar films).
This guy is yours for just under $2000. It’s recommended that if you go for this toy that you go through the official Disney store rather than other sites as other sites are filled with scalpers (people who buy limited edition items and sell them for a heavy markup immediately afterward).
Thing is, I can’t get behind it. It looks… fuzzy?… and the lack of structure in the hat bothers me a lot. Plus, on the Disney Store website, there’s a nice little note there saying that this toy isn’t for play but for adult collecting. Now I like collecting just as much as the next guy, (I mean, look at this stuff! Isn’t it neat?) but I like to still play with my toys. So I guess you can go ahead and have this one. I don’t want it.
And there you go. Stuff you can’t have Sheriff Woody edition. So here’s the question. What is too much for a toy? Are you lucky enough to own any of these? Be sure to show us in the comments, Share this article with a friend who loves Toy Story and expensive things, have a great day and remember to keep wishing on stars.
One version you are missing is the 1st edition thinkway toy story collection woody doll (not signature collection), these are going for anywhere between 600 to 1000.
Where did you get the stands?
For the most part, these aren’t my stands. But these kinds of doll stands are pretty easy to find at a craft store like Hobby Lobby or Michaels. Thanks for the question!
Hey, was wondering if you can help me with a few buzz lightyear figures that I can’t get any info about
Supposedly rare?
i love toy story i have 3 woodys right now but 6 if i still have them that did not get chewed up or donated to value village sad but bright news is that i have a creepy jessie and toy story 4 woody
Hi I have recently come across a 4-foot Woody doll from Toy Story 2 and a Buzz Lightyear doll roughly the same size they have both been signed by the director John Lasseter in 2005 they are in mint condition curious to know what they are worth approximately
I honestly wouldn’t know with that set-up. Autographs can go for a lot but with all the stuff that’s going on, I’m not sure how much interest an autograph from John Lasseter has. Having both is a good sign. Especially if you’ve taken good care of them. Rule of thumb to keep in mind:
“mint” implies it’s brand new factory condition. This may roughly double the non-mint price.
Autographs vary depending on how popular the person is and how many autographs they signed and how many exist. Also what they signed. Autographs are a completely different ball game and I’d advise you to do some research on that topic.
You get it with that collection in the box!
most collection woody dolls come with one
I have a Woody that when string is pulled he starts talking. Knows when you take off and put on his hat. Have Bullseye with him.
Hi, I have a Thinktoys Woody doll that has both push buttons and a string. Wondering what year it is and how much it is worth. Thanks
does some serious googling….
I didn’t find much. the only candidate that I could find would be a 1996 11″ Woody doll “Talking Woody” but I can’t be sure without pics. For questions like these, I find it’s best to head to the collectors group on facebook and check with them. They’re a huge international community of collectors and very open to helping out with that kind of thing. just go to facebook and look up “Toy Story Collection” and join the group.
So, can anybody help me out here. My wife and I have a mint in the Box playtime Sheriff Woody with interactive hat from Toy Story 3. We actually bought it for my daughter and when we planned on giving it to her it was just one of those things she outgrew her Toy Story toy phase, so we stored it with some other odds and ends. I don’t know that it’s worth any crazy amount of money. But I was just curious as I came across that box of toys that never got gifted to my daughter. Have looked on eBay and online and I can’t even find one for sale right now to gauge it’s worth.
Can anyone tell me why my woody doll has a letter and several numbers stamped on boot?
Both are from 1995
Hi how do I find out which Woody doll I have? I am not a collector but I just found my kids old original one
Writer here!,
there’s a handful of things to check for. The first is to make sure your Woody doll is actually from the first movie. The sure-tell way is to check if he has a wire bendable skeleton. If he does, then he’s from the first movie. if not then it becomes tricker since that woody doll was re-released several times between 1995 and 2004.
I wrote an article at discussing beginning collector tips. check it out!
How much does a special edition hawaiian talking woody never opened go for ?
Special edition toys like that, generally, would go for about $200 in my experience. Though I’d check the “sold for” prices on ebay to get a closer estimate if you can.
I have two of the original Woody dolls to sell n a Jessy doll to sell also old Batman they all are vintage toys I also have alot of old vintage Barbie dolls
my woody doll is 14″, has thread on buttons and belt buckle, andy on foot, spurs, smile with teeth, smooth plastic hat. Any idea how old it is, or the value of it?
Thanks for your comment! Writer of the article here. So what you have is from the 2001-2008 “Toy Story and Beyond” line. These toys are some of my favorite to collect because they are so unique! Most of them are variants that come with unique accessories, alternate hats (but always the original included), and phrases. Unless you can tell me what some of the phrases are or if you have any other accessories to go with I can’t really tell you what you have. A general rule though- 14 inch Woody dolls from this era will go for about 150- 200 full, complete and in box on ebay and other collection groups, but without the accessories or box it’s maybe worth 5-15 unless it’s a prototype (which I doubt).
my recommendation is to just keep it, play with it and have some fun creating your own adventures!
This was awesome
Thanks! Hopefully, this information is helpful.
I have the original thinkway woody and buzz from 1995
My 12″ Woody has 2 left hands.
I have a woody doll that was made for burger king. Havn’t seen one like it on ebay. Would you be interested?
Thanks for the kind offer, but I have one already. The Toy Story selling scene isn’t the strongest on eBay as compared to Facebook. The Toy Story Collection community seems to thrive there better than they do anywhere else.
Also a quick tip, be very careful buying Toy Story stuff on eBay. there’ an awful lot of scammers on there for that topic for some reason.
i forgot to say that one of my fat woodys when i pull the string it does not sound like tom hanks at all its stupid
It’s expensive to hire Tom Hanks. It’s more expensive to hire him to voice for a toy. If you look on YouTube though there are some cool tutorials of people making their own soundboxes using audio ripped from the movie. It’s a project but maybe worth it?
I have a woody my daughter had since she was about 3. She is now 18. A about 4 years ago friend of hers broke the pull string for him to speak and she was devastated. She’s never cries and she cried about it. I tried to repair it myself with a replacement doll voice box but I failed. Do you know who I could contact to help me fix?
first, what is broken? there’s a few things that could go wrong. some common ones:
You lost the plastic ring so the pullstring went ALL the way in
The Pullstring won’t retract
The interior speaker was damaged
You’re out of batteries
unfortunately if it was the circuit board that broke I think you may be out of luck
There’s a lot of videos on YouTube on fixing a Woody (some use Jessie, but its the same basic concept), So type in your specific problem and you’ll likely find a tutorial on how to fix it. While they may look different, most Woody dolls work the same way inside (A pullstring, batteries, a small circuit board and a speaker) so just pay attention to the different parts. unfortunately if it’s not a Hasbro 2001-2008 Woody doll (sure tell: the open mouth smile, round body, and stitched-on buttons/ holster/ belt buckle) then you may have to do some surgery. Opening up interior seams then closing them when you’re done working with the voice box.
If you’re kid is REALLY attached to THAT particular Woody doll, you could pull a voicebox and battery pack from a different Woody doll and replace it entirely relatively easily. And finally if you need more help I’d recommend asking about it on Reddit where someone is bound to have better answers for you. Best of luck.
I have a push button blinking woody. I’m trying to figure out when he was made before trying to have him fixed.
The voice recently broke (my kiddo loves him) but it still blinks.
I have a woody doll
Disney Pixar Thinkway toys on sole of boots and label
Pull string cord says all the old sayings 16”
All in good condition
Bought round about 2012
How much would it be worth
It sounds like you might have the Disneystore version, exclusive to Disney stores and Disney parks, though I might not be sure. Here; check out this site and see if this gives you any more indication what you have.,alternate%20route%20compared%20to%20Thinkway.
the most exspinsev woody of all is the 25 aniversery no I have on im 11 adn got it from santa cluas
I have a woody doll that is 3 1/2 ft tall with a removable hat that is hard as well as the boots. How do I find out how old he is and its value
3 1/2 feet tall you say? Well the easiest way to find out is to go to one of the several Toy Story collectors facebook groups and post a picture. you’ll get your answer relatively quick. The only thing I can think of is that it could be one of the large promotional Woodys from 1995-97. I give some ideas as to how you can date your toys in this article here:
My son got Woody and Buzz back in 2009/10 – I guess. These to fellas did speak with each other, back in the days. No, Woody is silent. They have been played hard with – but still looking good. Yesterday my son gave me a challenge; can I make Woody talk again. Well, I will try. Do somone have a pickture of the inside of the «control box»? Where do the wires goes? This is the Woody with to buttons to push to make him speak (and two infrared-ish things to comunicate with Buzz), as well as the line at the back.
That is gonna be a tough fix unless you have experience with fixing things like that. I’d recommend you check out a site like Reddit to see if anyone has any tips for you there on how to fix electronics.
how much is it worth with out it talking
It really depends. If the toy is broken then it’s likely not worth very much. Such is the life of a toy collector. But hey, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it yourself!
Hi! I’ve just come across this thread and was wondering if someone could help me, I have a woody doll that has phrases, but he’s also got a hat and a guitar and it has 2001 printed on the guitar. Which version would this one be?
That depends on a couple of things:
Is the guitar connected to his hand? If so that’s “Singin’ Stummin’ Woody” which is a fairly rare toy I’ve seen go for about $75 unboxed.
If the guitar is an accessory not connected to his hand, then it’s just the 2001 Hasbro version of the doll. The guitar by itself goes for about $15.
In 2020, I had a theft in my storage where all my figurines and other members were taken.
I had all the Pixar original talking woody and buzz from the beginning. As each member appeared in their respectful movies. So if anyone comes in contact with someone wanting to get rid of their lot please notify me asap. I had cases not just single boxes. Thank you for your time.
Hi there, my Woody is still a mystery to me, I don’t know which collection he is from maybe you can tell ? I remember buying him in 1995/1996 when I was a kid, he ‘s like in the movie-sized, his face is well detailed but he doesn’t speak, he just has his pull string printed on his back as well as his front buttons. He doesn’t have wire or anything inside, just like a plush doll. He has Andy printed on his foot, plastic hat and the copyright Disney behind his neck. I’m just curious about it ! (I’m living in France by the way, and remember buying him in a local toy store)