by Disney Magic Diva
Life can be tough when you’re under 40 inches tall. You have to literally climb into chairs, can’t get a drink from a water fountain without help, and rarely have a good view of a parade unless it’s from the top of someone’s shoulders. But at Disney’s California Adventure, one of the best adventures is just perfect for those who are height challenged.
Redwood Creek ChallengeTrail is an easily overlooked treasure. Located in Grizzly Peak, just down the path from Soarin’ Around the World and across from Grizzly River Run, it’s the perfect place for smaller mouseketeers to spend some time on their own adventures while taller family members may be flying and floating the day away. While some of the challenges on the trail do impose a certain height requirement, most of the activities in Redwood Creek are appropriate for all ages.
As you enter Redwood Creek Challenge Trail, be sure to take note of all the details. Look down, and notice the different animal footprints. Engage your child in thinking about what animal could have created that track, and then take a moment to read the signs to learn fun facts about those animals.
Pause by the Millennium Tree to learn how the magnificent redwoods teach us about California history. It may not be your preschooler’s prime interest, but for adults and school-aged children it’s worth a moment of reflection on the majesty of nature to think about this tree dating back to 818 A.D.
If your toddler is more like my grandson, you won’t be able to keep his interest in these “calmer” pursuits very long, especially once he spies all the other activities available on the Challenge Trail. You can climb, crawl, swing, and slide here until your heart’s content.
Diva Tip: It’s so important for preschoolers to have opportunities to practice gross motor activities. This is the ideal spot to it! You can take your time, and let your child push herself to reach new physical goals! What better place to conquer that ominous super tall slide, or climb your first rock wall, than at Disney!
The focal point of Redwood Creek is the enormous ropes course. There are towers to climb, suspension bridges to cross, tire swings to ride – everything you need to create your own adventure (and burn off plenty of energy!) One of the most popular activities is the Sequoia Smoke Jumpers Training Tower – a zip-line kind of activity – and very popular among all adventurers between 42”- 63” tall.
There are tunnels, imagineered to resemble fallen, hollow trees, to explore. Rock walls to climb. Rope bridges to cross. Redwood stumps to walk through (or run, jump, skip, hop…whatever you can imagine!). Boulder formations to explore. Slides to conquer. And a Spirit Cave where you can discover your animal spirit.
One of the most magical aspects of Redwood Creek Challenge Trail is that it offers so many options. If you just want a quiet place to relax, or maybe let your little one nap in the stroller, this is a perfect place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the park. If your preschooler (or older child!) is interested in the Wilderness Explorer program, this is a great place to start. Just pick up a brochure and set off on your adventures to earn those Wilderness Explorer badges! What a great, FREE souvenir!
So if your little one is under that 40” marker, and you need someplace to have some fun while others enjoy Grizzly River Run or Soarin’ Around the World, head to Redwood Creek Challenge Trail. Or, if you just want to challenge yourself, and let that inner child have a little Disney fun, this is the place for you! The Challenge Trail is a place where each visit will be whatever you make it, so the magic truly can be endless. It’s up to you!
Ready to plan your family’s vacation to Disneyland Resort? Be sure to contact Patricia at All for Dreams Travel. Her services are FREE and she can help with travel, lodging, dining – whatever you like! She will work hard to make your visit magical!
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