By Fantasmic Diva
Top 20 Favorite Souvenirs:
1.Mickey Ears- So many styles, characters and you can even put your name on them!! They are a staple souvenir from the parks, tons of people walk around with them.
2.Pins– This is a given from the parks! A great way to get pins and trade is to get a lot from eBay or a pin seller and trade with all the cast members. It’s a great way to get kids interacting with cast members and they get to make amazing memories hunting for their favorites among the stores and various cast members!!
3.Charm bracelets- This goes for both princesses and queens!! Pick your favorite characters and attach them to make a treasure all your own. The queens can find their charm bracelets at the fine jewelry stores that provide Chamilia charms, they have all the beauty of a Pandora bracelet but with Disney magic added in!! They have all sorts of shapes that represent your favorite movies and favorite parks!
4.Customized light saber- Does your little Jedi want a light-saber of his very own, not one that matches a character but one that is just his? Then head to Downtown Disney to put one together!! Your Jedi can make it whatever color and style they want!
5.Make your own Potato Head- You could buy a Potato Head at the store, similar to the one in Toy Store…or…you could create a very special one with Disney treats and flair! Most of the pieces are exclusive to the Disney Parks. You can either fill a box with parts or fill a larger Potato Head with parts that will fit any standard Potato Head, you can either buy him at the parks or buy one at home and surprise your little one by having it at the hotel room the day before, that way you take home the whole set!! For those who aren’t into Mr. Potato Head, there is also a fill your own treasure chest, fill your own jewelry box and fill your own Lego cup!!
6.Home Decor from the Haunted Mansion collection to the beautiful pillows that say things like “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” or “Believe” adding Disney magic to your home is always a good idea. The parks carry art, limited edition statues and pillows and throw blankets all over the parks, you can decorate your home to look like a little piece of Disney World.
7.Mugs- I’m a sucker for a Disney coffee mug, I buy one every time I go to the World and it makes my morning cup of coffee that much better!! You can find your favorite character or a travel mug that says “I really NEED coffee in the morning!”
8.Customized t-shirts- Walked all over the parks and can’t find a shirt with your favorite character? Never fear, you can make your own t-shirt with your favorite character in Downtown Disney at Design a Tee!
9.Pressed Pennies (cheap and collectible!) – Save all of your shiny pennies (newer and cleaner is better) and take them (and .50 per penny) to the many pressed penny souvenir stations across the resort and add to your collection throughout the whole trip and many trips to come. You can even get a folder to hold them in so you don’t lose them!
10.Post Cards – collectible and they fit in a photo album, you can write your memories right on them or have characters sign them!
11.Duffy Bear- Purchase one of these cute bears for you or your child, outfit is optional, but they can dress him up as another character (they can be found at the Disney Store so you can buy him before you go!) and take lots of pictures with Duffy around the park with you or your child, or better yet, let them take the pictures!
12. Soundtracks- Love Wishes, Fantasmic and Illuminations or the other music that fills the streets of the Disney Parks? Why not take it home and play it while you cook (out of a Disney cookbook perhaps?) or in the car and always remember what a magical time you had on your vacation!
13. Jewelry- There are so many different kinds. My favorites are the carved rings that you can get outside of Pirates of the Caribbean or the Mickey shaped earrings or rings. The birthstone jewelry are also really fun and make an amazing gift for you or someone you know!
14. Christmas Ornaments- You can pick your favorite character, character themed Mickey ear ones or Mickey shaped ones that you can have your name and the year written on them! Another customizable gift!!
15. Vinylmation– These have gotten to be very popular over the last few years, I know someone who has over 400 of them! In case you haven’t seen them before, they are little 3” Mickey Mouse shaped vinyl figures with different patterns or characters on them. If you are aiming to always know what you are getting, this isn’t for you, they are sold in mystery boxes. There are 12 different ones that you could get in a box from a case of 24, 11 known designs and one “chaser”. I always bring traders with me to the parks as these can also be traded!
16. Animation drawings- Want a drawing from a Disney artist hanging in your home? These too are available. They can be bought at the Art of Disney already done or you can pick a character and have the artist draw it for you! It’s really cool to watch them draw them. Another option is drawing one yourself! At the Animation Academy, there are free character drawing lessons and you get to take it home! However, you don’t get to choose the character, but it’s always one of the classics!
17. Books- trivia, cookbooks, Kingdom Keepers, music books. With the many books that the Disney resorts have to offer your family will be able to enjoy trivia, history, stories and cook Disney themed meals and never let the magic leave your home!
18. Autographs- Another freebie! You can either make a DIY autograph book or buy one at the parks and get photos and autographs of all the wonderful characters you meet! Keep them all in one place and make sure you don’t lose them!! You can also have them sign the post cards with their picture on them!!
19. Parks Toys (a la the monorail set, the EPCOT, etc) – Ok, these are huge and kind of pricey, but they are amazing! Do your kids wish they could play at the parks every day with their favorite characters? Well with the pieces of the parks play lets they can! You can get everything from the Tree of Life and the Castle to the Monorail and the characters to go with it! You could build virtually the entire Disney World resort, I’m a fan of the whole set up! However, it is an item I would advise having shipped.
20. Car Decor- From the famous antenna toppers to the Disney family stickers for your car windows, even your car can be magical when you come home from Disney World. Just be careful about having them taken, which sometimes unfortunately does happen
The stickers aren’t usually a problem but I have had my antenna topper taken but I had a good run with it! Make your car part of the magic, especially if it made the trip with you!!
I love the pins and a good sweatshirt.
Do you know if there is anywhere to get plain black Mickey ears without the patch on the front?
Do you recommend getting a Disney pillow pet at the parks?