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Looking to get the best bang for your dining plan buck? Here’s what my family of four does with our DDP snack credits!

First of all, we normally choose the regular dining plan, we get one quick service meal, one table service meal, one snack, and one refillable mug. Since we aren’t too big on sweets, the dessert at our table service meal is usually enough for us. Because of this, we opt out of dessert for our quick service lunch and instead grab a pastry, fruit bowl, or muffin as our “dessert” and save it for breakfast the next morning. We typically end up with almost ALL of our snack credits by the end of our stay. Take 4 people staying for 7 nights, and that’s 28 snack credits! So what do you do with all of those? SOUVENIRS!

Throughout the resort, you will find little purple signs in merchandise shops that mark items as a snack credit. We spend the last day of our stay scouring the shops for Chip and Dale pretzels for my nephew, Princess Lollipops for my little sister, and Crispy Treats for PaPa! Here are (in my opinion) the most valuable places to use your snack credits:

These hotel gift shop candies are too cute!
 Who wouldn’t LOVE some Disney popcorn? This HUGE bag is one snack credit.
Holiday themed merchandise is available seasonally and is a snack credit. And there is that Chip and Dale Snack mix!

Many of the Goofy’s Candy Co. packages count as a snack credit – including the cotton candy tub!

A 6 or 12 inch sour candy tube is a fun snack credit treat for little ones!

The king cupcake is to die for if you can make it to the POP Century – Chocolate cupcake, banana filling, peanut butter frosting, and candied bacon sprinkles. YUM!
Babycakes Bakery at Downtown Disney offers gluten, dairy, soy, and egg free delicious cupcakes for a snack credit:
Who could forget a Mickey ice cream bar?

And my FAVORITE credit? The “create your own treat” at Goofy’s candy co at Downtown Disney!